Dear Readership,
I have been away due to my current jobs, and I work as an independent contractor for online writing jobs. Basically, I write articles to advertise clients businesses and products, and I have about seven clients that I work for -- so I am ever busy. I cannot wait for the day when I will return to blogging on the things I am passionate about, but for now I must work. I would like to share with you a news article I came across talking about Google's picture of the day, which was remembering a famous archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter. Of course I could not pass up reading about the picture on Google when I saw it, and since I use the search engine as my ultimate tool for my online research to write my articles. It was evident that I would see the picture and inquire about it (yes, I am praising Google for their unique pictures they put up). Anyways I thought you might like the article. Enjoy!